25日(火) いつものオフィスでの作業日。
Swabhimaan Team(Cathy, Eduardo,私の3人)も, 下記4点を盛り込んだ成果物の作成に向けて、ピッチを上げて取り組んでいます。
Their main concerns are:
※昼食はChanne BhatureとNan Choorというインド料理。最初は怯えていたストリートフードにもだいぶ慣れてきました。
Swabhimaan Team(Cathy, Eduardo,私の3人)も, 下記4点を盛り込んだ成果物の作成に向けて、ピッチを上げて取り組んでいます。
Their main concerns are:
Swabhimaan NGO has grown to 25
schools mainly on the basis of interest and financial donations of well meaning
individuals. Thus, there is a need to identify and expand sources of funding.
Its impact is currently very local and limited to Ludhiana city only.
Swabhimaan NGO aspires to increase its visibility beyond the city of Ludhiana
and scale up and start similar Swabhimaan NGO schools in other cities of
Punjab. Additionally, it would like to network with national and international
organizations already existing in the field of education (such as Pratham, an education NGO with national reach)
so that free, quality education can become accessible to every child. To
accomplish all this they need the assistance of IBM volunteers to review their
existing processes and develop a 5-year strategic plan for scaling up.
Our objective over the 4 weeks in Ludhiana will be:
- Recommendations on the existing processes of Swabhimaan NGO
- Develop a 5-year strategic plan to achieve scaling-up and growth objectives of Swabhimaan NGO
- Recommendations on branding and sustainable funding sources
- Recommendations on possible partnerships with appropriate national and international organizations
※昼食はChanne BhatureとNan Choorというインド料理。最初は怯えていたストリートフードにもだいぶ慣れてきました。
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